...first of all, you will need a "Genisis" type mod:)


from left to right: ~5cm 0,25mm NiChr/Cekas/Kanthal wire, 10x20mm 400 mesh, 2mm, 1.5mm and 1mm borer/nail/needle... (in the rest of the text: "tool"), and tweezers. (1mm needle is not on the picture above)
part 1: wire coil make wire loops on 2mm (in this case - borer).

loops/wraps should be tightened well, and they mast be all equally parallel wrapped.
now, mount the coil in your unit, and fasten below end of the wire to the shorter connector.

than, using a needle (small and sharp one), make (equal/parallel(!) spaces between the loops. when you do that, fasten the other end of wire to the taller/longer connector.

when you finish spacing, pull out 2mm "tool", and glow red the coil - for cleaning and resistance "stabilisation". also, it will make the coil stiffer, so it doesn't deform so easily.
when done, it should look like this:
part 2: mesh - wicking roll the mesh around 1mm id. tool. make it tight and try to flatten/smooth the mesh's edges.

than, put inside the mesh 1.5mm tool, and tighten it.

pull out 1.5mm tool and push inside 2mm tool. now, the mesh's surface should be "perfectly" rounded and smooth.