Dalmat je napisao:
http://blog.rursus.de/2013/12/attempting-to-commit-suicide-with-e-liquids-witless/Ali uz sve to, po običaju, pobijediti će na kraju opet novci, a ne zdrava pamet...
My conclusion:
Regulation of ECigarettes should be done with a sensible and light touch. The proposed regulation of the EU goes to far. The EU might as well regulate selling household cleaners in bottles of max. 20 ml…. Or painkillers like “Paracetamol” in packages which contain a maximum up to two pills.
Lessons learned:
If someone wanted to commit suicide, he or she should not use an E-liquid. Execpt from nausea, abdominal pain, shivering and voluminous vomiting it will not have any effect.
An attempt to commit suicide by means of E-liquid is witless in various aspects.
Da se netko ne bi otrovao...u apotekama treba biti moguće kupiti Andol i to 2 tabletice maximalno...., a u Konzumu domestosa samo 20ml...
Kad se već o nikotinu vodi takva briga.., onda neka se vodi i o svemu što je potencijalno opasno i količinama koje mogu biti dostupne...., i nadalje to bi trebalo biti ograničeno djeci kad kupuju Andol - nema ni te dvije tabletice prije 18-godine, a također i domestos...